Just to talk about…

Is there any form of life on Mars?

I know … I’m a hopeless romantic … one of the 10,932,295

Gianfranco Vigneri
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!
5 min readMar 6, 2021


Mastcam Z looks at its calibration target — Mars Rover photo by mars.nasa.gov

As the great David Bowie sang in the famous song published the day after I was born, in the far 1973, is there life on Mars?

Well, we still don’t know how to answer that question. Or rather, we know that hordes of scientists are…



Gianfranco Vigneri
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!

MSc Economics, BSc Communication, Business Analyst by day, Musician, Writer & Editor when Sun sleep. www.gianfrancovigneri.it - Book Author La Piuma sulla Pelle